Essential Oils For Manifesting (With Your Chakras)


This post is all about the best essential oils for manifesting.

essential oils for manifesting

The smell is the most potent of our senses. Like a blink of an eye, the process of scent traveling to your brain is instantaneous.

While all other senses send messages through the spine to get to your brain, your sinuses have a direct pathway. It’s like an instant message! 

For this reason, it’s no surprise that essential oils are so effective. Oils can permeate through the skin and absorb into the blood system and create a range of responses in your body.

 Essential Oils For Manifesting 

While essential oils aren’t a magic potion to make all your dreams come true, it is a catalyst for a range of exceptional outcomes.

Every area of your life connects to all others. Therefore, balancing all aspects of your life is essential. Those areas may include business, finances, family and friendships, health and wellness, spirituality, and overall lifestyle.

Many of the essential oils listed here are used traditionally for mental clarity, meditation, and mindfulness. They also support your chakras to achieve balance.

Let’s explore how your chakras govern different areas of your life and how you can use certain essential oils to manifest your desires.

Essential Oils for Manifesting: Money and Prosperity

Primary Chakra: Root

Your root chakra is your foundational chakra, responsible for your basic needs such as a reliable shelter, food, and income to live. 

A life without this very basic foundation can prevent you from prospering in other areas of your life. So think of your root chakra as the starting point. Getting this part right will free up your energy so you can focus on growing this area of your life and move up the chain.

To manifest money, prosperity, or stability, focus on balancing your root chakra with the following essential oils:

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or apply to the soles of the feet to stimulate your root chakra. Essential oil to carrier oil ratio: 1:10

Essential Oils for Manifesting: Creativity and Pleasure

Primary Chakra: Sacral

You may wish to seek creativity in your business or personal life, whether it’s writing a book or designing your home. If any aspects of your life require a constant flow of creative juices, manifesting great ideas through your sacral chakra is what you want to do.

Your sacral chakra also governs your sexuality and pleasures, and joy in life. For example, suppose you want to become more comfortable in your sexuality, develop more passion in your relationship, or simply want to manifest more fun and pleasures in life. In that case, your sacral chakra will aid you. 

To manifest more passion, pleasure, or ideas and creativity in your life, focus on balancing your sacral chakra with the following essential oils:

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and apply to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or dab onto your sacral chakra, two inches below the navel. Essential oil to carrier oil ratio: 1:10

Essential Oils for Manifesting: Confidence & Personal Drive

Primary Chakra: Solar Plexus

Having a good physique is a natural goal for many. Losing weight alone contribute to many other positive side effects such as higher confidence and self-esteem. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment and instills the belief that you can achieve anything else you set your mind to. This power of personal will and sheer drive is what your solar plexus chakra is responsible for.

Your solar plexus chakra is also associated with your life purpose and your action and drive. For this reason, you can use your solar plexus chakra to manifest a new job or promotion, a career change, or owning a business. 

Considered the success chakra, you experience high confidence levels and a strong will to do what it takes when this chakra is healthy and revived.

To manifest weight-loss or a fit body, new job, promotion, career change, or higher confidence, self-esteem, and purpose, focus on balancing your solar plexus chakra with the following essential oils:

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and apply to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or dab onto your solar plexus chakra, two inches above the navel. Essential oil to carrier oil ratio: 1:10

Essential Oils for Manifesting: Love

Primary Chakra: Heart

Love is one of the primary reasons for our happiness. However, we must be clear that manifesting love does not involve chasing. On the contrary, love should be given freely, without contingencies, pain, or misery. 

Before you seek any kind of love from others, focus on self-love. Having healthy self-love and compassion will allow your heart chakra to be open to the most optimal experiences surrounding love.

With a healthy amount of self-love, you are less likely to be involved in codependency, possessiveness, or bottled-up emotions. Instead, focus on healing from all past hurt. Be courageous to open up to new love. Be intentional with precisely the kind of people and partner you want to attract in your life. You should feel deserving of the best kind of love for you.

To manifest the love of your life, marriage, friendships, love in your family, and self-love and compassion, focus on balancing your heart chakra with the following essential oils:

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and apply to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or dab onto your heart chakra at the center of your chest. Essential oil to carrier oil ratio: 1:10

Essential Oils for Manifesting: Communication

Primary Chakra: Throat

Being a better communicator is vital in today’s world. It helps you excel at work, gives you the courage to express and ask for what you need, and allows you to share your deepest thoughts and feelings effectively. Communication is where we share meaning in this world.

One important aspect of the throat chakra is where your true authentic self resides. The language isn’t just verbal; it’s nonverbal too. With a balanced throat chakra, you can speak your truth, hence, staying true to who you are. By doing so, you open the door to freedom.

Oftentimes, communication does not come easy. Lack of communication has created more bridges and caused more regrets in life than you would imagine. An unbalanced throat chakra can cause you to negatively use language, such as interrupting others, making condescending and rude remarks, verbal abuse, and indulging in gossip.

To manifest speaking effectively with grace, talk confidently, express yourself fully, tell your truth, and stay true to who you are, focus on balancing your throat chakra with the following essential oils:

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and apply to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or dab onto your throat chakra at the base of your throat. Essential oil to carrier oil ratio: 1:10

Essential Oils for Manifesting: Intuition

Primary Chakra: Third Eye

Many believe what is in front of us is our direct reality, but this is not always the case. There are many phenomena in our world whose cause or explanation is still in question. Take auras, for example. It is not something we clearly see but something we can sense. An aura is the vibrational energy of a person or thing. You may have felt a ‘vibe’ of a person without any specific physical clues.

To manifest anything in life, your belief that it can be yours is the innate working of the third eye chakra. If you’re only using logical and rational thinking, you may be selling yourself short because it leads to a lack of imagination and inspiration. 

With a balanced third eye chakra, the goal is not to be ‘realistic’; instead, you have to believe it is possible and allow your mind to see things beyond your current physical reality. 

This world has proven many times repeatedly that what we once thought was impossible has been proven possible later, and it seems the human race is constantly pushing the envelope. You, too, can do this in your life.

To manifest awareness, imagination, inspiration, and true wisdom of the world, focus on balancing your third eye chakra with the following essential oils:

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and apply to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or dab onto your third eye chakra between your eyebrows. Essential oil to carrier oil ratio: 1:10

Essential Oils for Manifesting: Higher Power and Purpose

Primary Chakra: Crown

Spirituality means different things to different people. For example, one’s goal can be to be closer to God, trusting the universe, or believing in the connectedness and oneness of all. 

Having a solid and balanced crown chakra elevates consciousness. On the contrary, one may become highly focused on individuality when not connected to spirituality. 

Your crown chakra also governs your purpose. While figuring out your purpose doesn’t always come easy, not doing so can leave you dissatisfied and unfulfilled. To do so, seek guidance from your third eye chakra.

To manifest connection to the divine, the universe, or source energy, and purpose, focus on balancing your third eye chakra with the following essential oils:

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and apply to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or dab onto your crown chakra at the top of your head. Essential oil to carrier oil ratio: 1:10

Conclusion: As you use essential oils for manifesting, the scent you choose will become linked to the manifestation of your goals, thus strengthening your focus. Practice often!Â