9 Top Items To Create Your Own Chakra Healing Kit


This post is all about creating your own chakra healing kit.

chakra healing kitOnce you understand the chakra system, it’s easy to see how each chakra contributes and influences your life. Therefore, creating a chakra healing kit is not only a very personal experience to your healing but a great investment in your wellness journey.

In this post we will be focusing on the best chakra healing kit items you will want in your arsenal. Let’s get started.

Chakra Healing Kit Items

  1. Chakra Healing Kit Box

    chakra kit for beginners
    A good place to start is with a storage box for your chakra healing kit. Keeping a dedicated container will protect your sacred items. Without a doubt, it will be your go-to box with all the tools you need for your chakra healing practices.

    Tip: When purchasing a box, be mindful of the size. Ask yourself if you want to add to it continuously and need a bigger box, or you’re just starting out and only want a few items. For example, this box listed measures 10″L x 7.8″H x 5.6″W, which can fit all the items listed in this post.

    Buy: Vellon Gold Clear Glass Box on Amazon

  2. Healing Crystals

    One of the first things that come to mind when balancing chakras is notably healing crystals. After all, they are versatile and come in every color that runs the same frequency as your chakras.

    We recommend this post about How To Use Crystals if you’re just starting out or want to know the most beneficial way to work with crystals.

    This kit has all 7 Chakra stones corresponding with each chakra, from Green Fluorite (Heart Chakra) to Tiger’s Eye Stone (Solar Plexus Chakra). You may source your crystals however you choose or purchase a kit that provides them all for you.

    Buy: 7 Chakra Healing Stones on Etsy

  3. Essential Oils

    chakra crystal healing kit
    An effective way to balance the key chakras of your body is with the aromas of enriched essential oil blends. Inhaling these beautiful and natural fragrances will boost your mood and promote healing.

    Essential oils can be used in many ways, including directly on the skin (diluted in carrier oil), mixed with massage oils, in creams & lotions, in your bath, or hot and cold compresses.

    Buy: Seven Chakra Essential Oil Blends on Etsy

  4. Chakra Healing Affirmations

    chakra healing affirmations

    Affirmations are a powerful manifestation tool. It’s what you say to yourself that is the most important. You essentially are constantly speaking things into existence. While it’s recommended to write down affirmations and say them often, sometimes you may not know where to start and which affirmations will serve you best.

    Having affirmation cards can make this practice easier. Keep it in your chakra healing kit to remind you to continue speaking and using positive thinking to help you build inner strength.

    Buy: Positive Affirmation Cards on Amazon

  5. Chakra Balancing Candles

    chakra stones

    The mix of the aromas and ambiance candles provide make it the best tool in your chakra healing kit. If you’re looking to maximize your healing with positive energy and for an immediate mood boost, a purification sage lavender candle can work wonders.

    Use this or any candle during meditation, yoga, or when you need to purify your surrounding energy.

    Buy: Purification Sage Lavender Candle

  6. Selenite Wand

    chakra crystal set meaning

    Selenite is a highly powerful, high-vibrational crystal with multiple health benefits. It provides peace, calm, clarity, clears blocked energy, and more.

    Hold a Selenite stick in your hand or nearby while meditation or doing yoga. Additionally, you can also clear the energy around you by circling the Selenite stick around your body, starting from the top of your head.

    Buy: Selenite Stick on Amazon

  7. Organic Sage Smudge Stick

    Burning sage can help you decompress and bring you to balance. Even more, according to recent studies, sage has powerful antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities. In addition, it promotes mindfulness, helps you sleep better, and clears energy.

    Buy: Organic White Sage Smudge Stick with Flowers on Amazon

  8. Palo Santo Stickschakra crystal set meaning

    While sage is known to clear negativity, palo santo brings in positive energy. It not only purifies the air but also encourages positive feelings when burned.

    With the use of Palo Santo, you may even be able to relieve a headache and other pains. So many positive characteristics are linked to Palo Santo, which is enough reason to add to your chakra healing rituals.

    Buy: Palo Santo Stick on Amazon

  9. Mini Tibetan Singing Bowl

    chakra healing for kids

    Sound healing can help clear your chakra blockages and facilitate healing on a physical and mental level. Accordingly, it’s an extremely powerful healing tool and would be wise to have in your chakra healing kit.

    Buy: Tibetan Singing Bowl Set on Amazon

Conclusion: This post is all about creating your own chakra healing kit. To learn more about healing your chakras, we recommend this post here.