Solar Plexus Chakra 101: 6 Ways to Balance Your Manipura Chakra


The solar plexus chakra also called “Manipura’ in its original Sankrit name is responsible for your personal power and self-esteem. It’s connected to the digestive center, where heat is generated igniting this chakra’s flame. This flame provides the energy you need to maintain your life. It’s the center of your drive, confidence, power, and purpose. 

Having a great energy level and feeling empowered, capable, and confident to live your purpose are all indicators that your solar plexus chakra is balanced. Because it’s connected to your digestive center, a nutritious diet is necessary for a healthy functioning solar plexus chakra. Without a proper diet, you may find yourself feeling lethargic and on lower vibrational energy to be your empowered self. When you experience an imbalance to your solar plexus chakra, you may find yourself not only fatigued, but possibly aggressive, powerless, and with low self-esteem.

Quick Facts about the Solar Plexus Chakra

Central Aspect: Confidence and self-esteem

Location: Upper abdomen

Color: Yellow

Primary Function: Heightens personal power, self-esteem, inner light, mental clarity, and memory.

Element: Fire

Affirmation: I can

Balanced Energy: Radiate confidence, high level of self-respect and respect for others, acceptance of self, self-motivated and a sense of purpose, outgoing and joyous.

Overactive Energy: Become judgmental and critical, workaholic, perfectionist, lack empathy and compassion for self and others.

Unbalanced Energy: Lead to low self-esteem and insecurity, feeling of being powerless, too passive, and poor digestion.

Physical Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, muscular stiffness, nervous tension, stomach and digestive issues, hypoglycemia, diabetes, liver problems, eating disorders

Emotional Symptoms: Constant inner self-critic, insecurity, helplessness, easily intimidated, victim mentality

>> To get a complete overview of chakras, we recommend clicking here to read our guide to chakras, how to unblock them to unleash your power.

How to Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is an area of struggle for many. Today, we are faced with environments that breed competition, low self-esteem (due to the media/social media), feelings of inadequacy, cheap and processed food, and the constant pressure to succeed. The methods mentioned below are not only holistic, but virtually free, and you can do it in the comfort of your home. 

Below are six easy ways to activate your solar plexus chakra. Committing to just 5 minutes a day, you can heal, strengthen, and balance your solar plexus chakras using 1-2 techniques. With consistent practice, you will notice a change that may be quite profound.

Crystals to Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra

CITRINE: Enhances prosperity, self-esteem, and creation of a healthy self-image, increases creativity, encourages generosity, promotes clarity of thinking, allows for manifestation, asserts personal will, facilitates new beginnings

YELLOW JASPER: Encourages self-esteem and provides us with the courage to move forward, gives a boost of enthusiasm, protects us from negativities, brings inner peace and joy, helps to calm our nervous system and emotions

TIGER’S EYE: Encourages self-expression and self-worth, promotes self-esteem and self-concept, enhances self-criticism, allows for the manifestation of goals

AMBER: Helps deal with pain and inflammation, generates positive energy, encourages self-esteem, promotes cleansing and stress relief, increases life force, relieves anxiety, wards off others’ negative energy (excellent for empathic people)

SUNSTONE: Changes the lack of self-worth and confidence, turning it into a greater level of strength, brings in courage and fearlessness, promotes enthusiasm for new possibilities

PYRITE: Powerful protection stone, useful in providing strength and stamina, stimulates the intellect, enhances memory.

How to Use Crystals to Activate Your Solar Plexus Chakra: Place the crystal on or near the solar plexus chakra, in a pocket, as jewelry, or in your receiving (nondominant) hand during meditation and/or while speaking affirmations. (Total Time: 5 minutes)

Yoga Poses to Activate Your Solar Plexus Chakra

CAT POSE (Marjaryasana): This pose helps the body to warm up, starting from the spine going outward before more intense poses. It stretches out the back. It protects, encloses, and presses on the solar plexuses.

COW POSE (Bitilasana): This pose is often practiced with the cat pose. It opens the chest and heart to stretch out the solar plexus chakra.

EXTENDED TRIANGLE POSE (Utthita Trikonasana): This standing pose empowers and strengthens the legs. It allows you to feel confident and powerful in the solar plexus area. It also energizes the body.

HALF LORD (Ardha Matsyendrasana): This seated twist pose increases hip flexibility and allows for spinal movement and mobility. It provides protection and comfort to the solar plexus chakra.

Yoga Chakra Activation: Get into the following poses and hold for three to five breaths, or as long as it feels comfortable. Come out of the pose on an inhale. (Total Time: 5 minutes)

Essential Oils to Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra

LAVENDER: Lavender encourages the release of pent-up emotions and disperses stagnant life energy. It brings cooling and calm energy to an overactive liver, allowing it to restore emotional balance. It is often used to ease insomnia due to an overactive mind.

LEMON: Lemon is often used for liver and lymphatic cleansing. For the solar chakra, lemon is an uplifting oil and is used to improve mood and mentality. It is excellent for managing stress and anxiety and promotes a sense of well-being.

ROMAN CHAMOMILE: Helps fight anxiety and depression. Can also ease menstrual discomfort and promote heart health. It also helps to clear and boost the digestive system. Roman chamomile is also a pain reliever as it may relieve arthritic pain.

ROSE: Rose oil has numerous properties that help balance your sacral plexus chakra. It is used to stimulate creativity and enhance innovation. It boosts the mind’s capacity to think up new ideas that have not been had before. It allows you to remain calm and collected when making decisions.

ROSEMARY: The oil is used to help with digestive issues, including indigestion, bloating, and stomach cramps. It helps with liver and gallbladder support by allowing their functioning to run smoothly. It also helps with a lack of motivation. Rosemary essential oil brings warmth to the soul. It allows us to connect with an essential quality of inner strength.

VETIVER: Vetiver is an essential oil that helps to relieve stress and emotional trauma. It has healing properties that are enhanced in the solar plexus chakra. It’s also used for pain relief from insect bites and burns. When inhaled, vetiver oil allows the body to release feelings of nervousness. It promotes sleep by allowing the body to relax.

How to Use Essential Oils to Activate Your Solar Plexus Chakra: Apply the oil (diluted with a carrier oil) and apply it to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or dab onto your solar plexus chakra, two inches above the navel. (Total Time: 5 minutes)

Affirmations to Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra

“I feel my own power.”

“I honor myself.”

“I am strong and brave.”

“I am a powerful, confident, and graceful person, and I am fully in control of my life.”

“I am proud of myself and my achievements.”

“I choose the best for myself.”

“I am the architect of my life.”

How to Use Affirmations to Activate Your Solar Plexus Chakra: Affirmations can be said any time, anywhere. Speak affirmations during meditation. Before, during, or after Yoga. Times when you feel uncertain. Even in times you are feeling good. In conjunction, you may hold crystals when saying your affirmations. Adding affirmations put us into an even higher vibration. (Total Time: 5 minutes)

Meditation to Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

Sit on the ground comfortably with your legs crossed or lie flat. Sit with your hands beside you. If you have crystals, hold them in your receiving hand (dominant hand). Close your eyes, focus on your breath.

Take deep belly breaths, in and out, as you visualize the area of your solar plexus chakra with a mind-to-body connection. You may also repeat affirmations as you breathe in and out.

You can perform it daily or weekly; aim for around 20 minutes each time. If you are a beginner, start with 5 minutes and build it up.

There are no rules. If your mind wanders, bring your focus back to your breath.

Nutritional Food to Heal Your Solar Plexus Chakra

How to Heal your Sacral Chakra with Food: Think yellow! Any food that correlates with the color frequency of the solar plexus chakra is a good idea. Try incorporating some of the following: Bananas, Pineapple, Corn, Yellow Apple, Yellow Pepper, Yellow Squash, Yellow Onion, Yellow Kiwi, Lemon, Curry Powder, Garbanzo Beans, and Sprouted Grains.

Eating natural, unprocessed food with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits will provide you with a balanced nutritional diet that will aid your solar plexus chakra.


The solar plexus chakra is in charge of your personal power. It’s an essential and core part of us that must be balanced. High self-esteem and confidence are not only attractive traits but necessary when stepping into your personal power. Your confidence levels may fluctuate but there is a balance that you can achieve by paying close attention to your solar plexus chakra and keeping your ego in check.

Spending 5 minutes a day on 1-2 of the recommended practices can allow you to overcome mental and physical barriers that are causing a blockage.

Still not sure if your solar plexus chakra is blocked? Sign up for the Chakra Healing Workshop.