How to Open Your Chakras For Beginners in 7 Easy Steps


This post is all about how to open your chakras for beginners in 7 easy steps.
How to Open Your Chakras For Beginners

Opening your chakras is like cutting yourself open and finding all the nooks and carnies that are filled with debris and clearing them out.

Chakra healing detoxes your mind and body from things that cause blockages and trap precious energy. It’s essential, especially if you find yourself feeling sluggish, unmotivated, angry, reactive, lost, depressed, sleepless, or even sick.

You will come out feeling lighter and free and no longer need to lug around unnecessary baggage that holds you back.

As you slowly shed away the issues and problems weighing you down, you will enjoy a more positive outlook on life and become a magnet for the good life.

Balancing your chakras is all about becoming familiar with yourself on more profound levels. You heighten your awareness of your reality to free yourself from things that don’t serve you. More importantly, you align yourself with that which will develop you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

If you’re new to chakra healing, I recommend this post. However, if you want to spring into action right away, here’s how to do it!

How to Open Your Chakras For Beginners in 7 Easy Steps

  1. Just breathe. 

    Well, okay, you might be thinking that’s way too easy. But the important step here is to become aware of your breath. So many take this automatic process for granted. We do it without a single thought. Yet, your breath is so powerful. The rhythm of it can change with just a thought or feeling.

    Have you noticed your breath when you’re excited, scared, or even when you’re out of breath? What about when you’re nervous before giving a presentation or meeting someone important for the first time? The state of how you’re breathing can tell you a lot about the state of your mind and body.

    As the famous chicken or the egg scenario, you may know it is hard to decide which of the two things caused the other one. In the same way, what you experience in your mind can influence your breath, and the way you breathe can influence your mind. Don’t skip this step, as you will use it later!

    Try this:

    1. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of 4.
    2. Hold your breath in for a count of 4.
    3. Slowly exhale through your mouth for a count of 4.
    4. Repeat for a total of 4 times.

    The above is called the box breathing or the 4-4-4 breathing technique based on an ancient yogic technique called pranayama and famously used by Navy SEALS. It helps your body and mind navigate through high-stress situations and maintain overall wellness.

    Similarly, Dr. Andrew Weil developed the 4-7-8 breathing technique he likes to call a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.” 


  2. Locate your 7 main energy points.
    Which chakras should I open first?

    Understand your 7 major energy points and where they are located. At this point, you may not know what each of the chakras stands for and what they mean. And that is okay because, by the end of these 7 easy steps, you will have a better idea.

    Basically, the chakra system has seven major energy fields:

    1. Root Chakra: Sanskrit name: Muladhara. Location: Base of your spine.

    2. Sacral Plexus Chakra: Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana. Location: 2 inches below your navel.

    3. Solar Plexus Chakra: Sanskrit name: Manipura. Location: 2 inches above your navel.

    4. Heart Chakra: Sanskrit name: Anahata. Location: Center of your chest.

    5. Throat Chakra: Sanskrit name: Vishuddha. Location: Base of your throat.

    6. Third-eye Chakra: Sanskrit name: Ajna. Location: Middle of your eyebrows.

    7. Crown Chakra: Sanskrit name: Sahasrara. Location: Top on your head.


  3. Find out which chakras are blocked.
    How do I start my chakras?

    Take the chakra quiz, the ultimate test which takes out all the guesswork.

    Just a warning, this chakra test goes below the surface level. It will ask you a ton of personal questions. But don’t worry, this is completely confidential.

    Answering them truthfully will only help identify where your chakras may be compromised. Give yourself 7-10 minutes to focus on this test. I can guarantee that it is the most thorough test there is. When you arrive at your results, screenshot it for reference!

  4. Use the free chakra guide.
    How do you open your chakras?

    At the end of the test, you will receive a free chakra guide to explain your results. This visual guide was created to supplement the test.

    To use this guide, take your top 1 or 2 results of which chakras are blocked. For example, if your first result indicated your root chakra is blocked, open the digital guide and locate the section for root.

    Here you will find exactly what the chakra is, what it stands for, the symptoms of a blocked chakra, an open chakra, overactive chakra, and the many ways to balance it.

    Don’t get overwhelmed here. The guide was made to be super simple, fun, and informative. Just keep going.


  5. Choose two self-healing methods
    How do you align your chakras for beginners?

    You have identified the top 1-2 chakras that may be blocked from your test results and located them in the guide. The guide shows how to open your blocked chakras using self-healing techniques such as:

    • Crystals
    • Yoga
    • Essential Oils
    • Meditation
    • Affirmations or Mantras
    • Nutrition

    Pick 1-2 methods that interest you the most. Do you love essential oils? Choose that! Do you thrive on affirmations? Great! Are you into being active and value mindful eating? Go for yoga and nutrition!

    Choosing 2 methods allows you to diversify and increase the effectiveness, yet it’s just enough so it’s not overwhelming.

  6. Action

    How do you know if a chakra is blocked?Plan to incorporate your chosen self-healing techniques into your daily routine for 21 days.

    Block out just 5 minutes a day for each for 10 minutes total. And yes, you have the time!

    For example, if you chose yoga and affirmations, you would open the guide and locate the 4 power yoga moves to heal the specific chakra you want to open. Spend around a minute, or 5 deep inhales and exhales on each pose.

    Next, speak your affirmations. The chakra guide has great affirmations you can start using right away, or after some practice, come up with your own! Start with any two! Now!

  7. Practice mindfulness

    How do I know if my chakra is out of balance?Being mindful just means being intentional. It’s about going through life and motions with purpose.

    You have identified your weak points, and are using self-healing techniques to focus on the very area that may be causing havoc in your life.

    When I started my chakra healing journey, I noticed right away that in fact my solar plexus and throat chakras were blocked. I became more aware and truthful about where I was having issues in my life.

    Practicing mindfulness allows you to admit, reflect, and improve. When situations arise, you may notice what chakra is involved. When you are mindful of the things going on internally in your life, you will be able to respond better.



The health of your energy body affects every part of your life. May the 7 easy steps empower you to heal blockages, regain your balance in areas of your life that need attention, and gain a deeper awareness for yourself and others. Here’s a quick overview of the 7 steps:

1. Practice the box breathing technique
2. Familiarize with the 7 main chakras and their location
3. Take the free chakra quiz
4. Locate your results in the free chakra guide
5. Choose 2 of your favorite self-healing techniques from the guide
6. Commit to 5 mins a day on each technique for 21 days
7. Excercise mindfulness every day  

But don’t just stop here. 21 days is only enough to instill a habit. Continue your practice, and periodically re-take the test, as the health of your chakras will change during the course of your life.