Sacral Chakra 101: Best Practices for a Balanced Sacral Plexus (With Charts)


The Sacral Plexus Chakra, emerging from the Sanskrit word ‘Svadhisthana’ is the driving force behind your creativity and sexuality. It dominates your pleasure senses in life and governs how open and connected you are with your emotions.

To feel liberated, confident, creative, and comfortable with your sexuality has everything to do with your sacral chakra. However, if you find yourself over-indulgent with sex, experience loss of creativity, indulge in addictions or have experienced sexual trauma, your sacral chakra needs attention.

Quick Facts about the Sacral Chakra

Central Aspect: Sexual and creative energy

Location: Lower abdomen

Color: Orange

Primary Function: Stimulates creativity, optimism, sexual/sensual energy, inner beauty, self-worth, and pleasure.

Element: Water

Affirmation: I feel

Balanced Energy: Increasingly in touch with your feelings, open and warm towards others, confident, and creative.

Overactive Energy: Become overly emotional and hypersensitive, mood swings, over-indulgent with sex.

Unbalanced Energy: Lead to feelings of fear, resentment, guilt, loss of creativity, and addictions.

Physical Symptoms: Bladder or kidney disorders, pelvic issues, menstrual complaints, and dysfunctions of the reproductive organs

Emotional Symptoms: Hypersensitivity, guilt, and blame

>> To get a complete overview of chakras, we recommend clicking here to read our guide to chakras, how to unblock them to unleash your power.

How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

There are many ways to activate your sacral chakra. All methods mentioned here are self-healing techniques. Please note that this is not medical advice. You may want to consult your doctor or get professional medical advice if you wish to use any suggested remedies, techniques, or information listed in this post. There are other forms of healing, such as reiki or sound therapy; however, the recommended options here are free, and you can do it in the comfort of your home.

Below are six easy ways to activate your sacral chakra. Committing to just 5 minutes a day, you can heal, strengthen, and balance your sacral chakras using 1-2 techniques. In a short amount of time, you will notice a change that may be quite profound.

Crystals to Heal Your Sacral Chakra

CARNELIAN: Helps promote courage, security, and safety, enhances willpower, determination, returns passion to relationships, develops a healthy sense of self, increases focus on present moments, allows us to overcome abuse, protects against envy, boosts overall energy.

ORANGE CALCITE: Used in manifestation, amplifies energy, cleanses and grounds us, allows for inner peace, and encourages personal will.

FIRE OPAL: Encourages expressing our emotions in creative, artistic, and passionate ways, provides support in overcoming fertility issues, increases physical vitality, promotes positive relationships and healthy sexuality.

PEACH AVENTURINE: Also known as the “Whisper Stone”, used to quiet the judgy inner voice of the self, reminds us of life’s pleasures, and allows us to enjoy them.

TIGER’S EYE: Promotes self-expression, self-worth, and self-esteem, encourages self-definition and self-love, allows us to develop self-concept, self-criticism, promotes the manifestation of goals.

GOLDSTONE: Initiates and encourages ambition, builds energy, courage, and a positive attitude, increases drive and confidence, promotes vitality.

How to Use Crystals to Activate Your Sacral Chakra: Place the crystal on or near the sacral chakra, in a pocket, as jewelry, or in your receiving (nondominant) hand during meditation and/or while speaking affirmations. (Total Time: 5 minutes)

Yoga Poses to Activate Your Sacral Chakra

BRIDGE POSE (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): The bridge pose elongates the hips and opens the pelvic area. It allows for light and energy to be experienced in the sacral chakra.

BOAT POSE (Navasana): This pose requires balance as you engage your core, generating a burn to your abdominals. It helps build muscle and brings power to your sacral chakra.

HIGH LUNGE (Ashta Chandrasana): This pose is a gentle hip opener. It also boosts your confidence. In addition, it is a standing pose that brings energy to the sacral chakra.

DOWNWARD-FACING DOG POSE (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This pose provides strength to your ankle and wrist joints. It increases energy flow to your physical, emotional, and mental states and promotes protection and security in the sacral chakra.

Yoga Chakra Activation: Get into the following poses and hold for three to five breaths, or as long as it feels comfortable. Come out of the pose on an inhale. (Total Time: 5 minutes)

Essential Oils to Open Your Sacral Chakra

YLANG YLANG: Ylang Ylang has aphrodisiac properties and is often used to stimulate sexual desire. It brings a calming effect towards overactive emotions. It discourages the fear of intimacy and promotes self-love and confidence, which helps balance your sacral chakra.

LEMON: Lemon is all around a very beneficial oil. It has numerous benefits to the body and mind. It has refreshing, purifying, and reviving properties. It enforces powers of manifestation, passion, drive, and initiative. It improves mental alertness, clarity, and memory.

PATCHOULI: For the sacral chakra, patchouli is an amazing aphrodisiac. It helps to improve issues of impotence and lack of sexual drive. When inhaled, patchouli affects the hormones. It boosts the body’s production of serotonin and dopamine, releasing feelings of anxiety and anger.

ROSE: This is a sweet-smelling aphrodisiac. It stimulates the sex drive and promotes intimacy. It has a relaxing effect and helps to calm the mind. It allows you to be in touch with your emotions and react to triggering events with a calm mind.

SANDALWOOD: This allows you to connect your senses to the spirit. It helps to provide relief to menstrual pain by sending messages to the abdomen to relieve discomfort. It gives off calming energy that allows you to be peaceful despite your surroundings.

CLARY SAGE: For the right balance of relaxation and strength, clary sage is the perfect oil. It helps to ease the imbalance possibly found in the sacral chakra. Clary sage deals with strong emotions of anxiety and insecurity. It also stimulates passion and increases desire in intimate relationships.

How to Use Essential Oils to Activate Your Sacral Chakra: Apply the oil (diluted with a carrier oil) and apply it to your hands, rub them together, and deeply inhale or dab onto your sacral plexus chakra, two inches below the navel. (Total Time: 5 minutes)

Affirmations to Open Your Sacral Chakra

“I value and respect my body.”

“I take care of my body.”

“I am passionate.”

“I am emotionally balanced, and I  have comfortable and safe relationships with those who love me.”

“I allow myself to experience pleasure.”

“I love my body.”

“I embrace my sexuality.”

How to Use Affirmations to Activate Your Root Chakra: Affirmations can be said any time, anywhere. Speak affirmations during meditation. Before, during, or after Yoga. Times when you feel uncertain. Even in times you are feeling good. In conjunction, you may hold crystals when saying your affirmations. Adding affirmations put us into an even higher vibration. (Total Time: 5 minutes)

Meditation to Balance Your Sacral Chakra

Sit on the ground comfortably with your legs crossed or lie flat. Sit with your hands beside you. If you have crystals, hold them in your receiving hand (dominant hand). Close your eyes, focus on your breath.

Take deep belly breaths, in and out, as you visualize the area of your sacral chakra with a mind-to-body connection. You may also repeat affirmations as you breathe in and out.

You can perform it daily or weekly; aim for around 20 minutes each time. If you are a beginner, start with 5 minutes and build it up.

There are no rules. If your mind wanders, bring your focus back to your breath.

Nutritional Food to Heal Your Sacral Chakra

How to Heal your Sacral Chakra with Food: Think orange! Any food that correlates with the color frequency of the sacral chakra is a good idea. Try incorporating some of the following: Carrot, Apricot, Orange Pepper, Mango, Peach, Orange, Sweet potatoes, Cinnamon, Almonds, Walnuts, Flax Seeds, and Sesame. 


Balancing your sacral chakra means there isn’t any excess, nor lack, of inspiration, sensuality, and the pleasures you seek in life. Many times you may just not be aware that there is an issue, but if you start experiencing a lack of imagination or feel shame around your sexuality, this could be an indication that your sacral chakra is compromised.

Spending 5 minutes a day on 1-2 of the recommended practices can allow you to overcome mental and physical barriers that are causing a blockage.

Still not sure if your solar plexus chakra is blocked? Sign up for the Chakra Healing Workshop.