FREE ‘The Power of Chakras’ eBook

A Visual Guide on How to Unblock your Chakras and Unleash your Power.

Activating and balancing your chakras can guide you to your truest potential and enable you to live an abundant, happy, and fulfilling life. In just 5 minutes a day, you can start making a difference within yourself.

This guide will walk you through what each chakra is, what it means for you, and how you can tell if it is balanced and running optimally or unbalanced and needs work.

The Power of Chakras eBook offers self-healing techniques in a visually digestible way to show you how to use crystals, yoga, mantras, meditations, essential oils, and nutrition, transcending all areas of your life.

We recommend choosing at least two chakra healing practices that are the most interesting and desirable to you to help activate and balance any one chakra, which takes only a few minutes to do. Your results will vary on your commitment and consistency.

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"The Power of Chakras" eBook

This simple and modern eBook breaks down each chakra and six different self-healing techniques to create balance.
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