Chakra Healing Yoga Poses: Ultimate Power Moves To Balance Your Chakras


This post is all about chakra healing yoga poses to heal and balance your chakras.
chakra healing yoga poses

We’ve put together a list of effective chakra healing yoga poses for each of your seven chakras to engage, activate, and open them so energy can effortlessly run through your body.

Yoga is a profound chakra healing practice, transforming every fiber of your being from the inside out, from your muscular system to your nervous system. Practicing yoga over time shapes your physical, psychological, and energetic body systems.

Routinely practice the chakra healing yoga poses we recommend to get rid of blockages. As energy sometimes becomes trapped, releasing it back to a free flow will make you feel more alive, healthier, and happier than ever.

Chakra Healing Yoga Poses

  1. Root Chakra Healing Yoga Poses

    The root chakra is the essential foundation of all your chakras. Your basic needs, such as shelter, food, water, and safety, should be met at the most fundamental level.

    Living with an unbalanced root chakra feels like constant uncertainty and fearfulness surrounding your basic needs. Subsequently, your other chakras could experience turmoil as well.

    Practicing these root chakra healing yoga poses will help you become more grounded, release blockages, increase mental clarity, and boost the confidence needed to mentally and physically make decisions that will strengthen your root chakra.

    chakra yoga poses chartLOW LOUNGE (Anjanesyasana): This pose opens up your root chakra. The low lunge opens up your lower back and releases tension from surrounding muscles and joints.
    Watch How To Do a Low Lounge Pose

    chakra yoga benefits

    HAPPY BABY POSE (Ananda Balasana): This pose is easy and practiced anywhere, from your yoga mat to the bed. It has therapeutic benefits and allows for full-body relaxation while helping to open your root chakra.
    Watch How to Do a Happy Baby Pose

    chakra yoga poses for beginners
    BOUND-ANGLE POSE (Baddha Konasana):
    This stretch involves a fold of the hips, which helps open up your root chakra. The pose connects to security and your sense of safety.
    Watch How To Do a Bound-Angle Pose

    root chakra yoga poses
    WIDE-LEGGED FORWARD BEND (Prasarita Padottanasana I):
    This pose involves pairing the stability and power of a standing posture with the calming properties of a forward fold. It promotes the opening of the hips and lengthening of your spine. In addition, it allows the body to release all tension.
    Watch How To Do a Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose

  2. Sacral Chakra Healing Yoga Poses

    The sacral chakra drives your sexual and creative energy. By optimizing this chakra, you can experience a healthy sense of self and respect within your sexuality and a compelling amount of free-flowing creative energy.

    Your sacral chakra is where you feel the pleasures and delights of the world. However, when dealing with a blocked sacral chakra, you may find yourself with feelings of guilt, hypersensitivity, or behaviors of addictions.

    A thriving sacral chakra makes you creative in all experiences in your life. In a world where we follow trends, you become the trailblazer. You become a creator of your life, marching to the beat of your own drum.

    The following yoga poses will bring power and energy to your sacral chakra.

    sacral chakra yin posesBRIDGE POSE (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): The bridge pose elongates the hips and opens the pelvic area. It allows for light and energy to be experienced in the sacral chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Bridge Pose

    sacral chakra yoga sequence pdfBOAT POSE (Navasana): This pose requires balance as you engage your core, generating a burn to your abdominals. It helps build muscle and brings power to your sacral chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Boat Pose

    beginner sacral chakra yoga posesHIGH LUNGE (Ashta Chandrasana): This pose is a gentle hip opener. It also boosts your confidence. In addition, it is a standing pose that brings energy to the sacral chakra.
    Watch How To Do a High Lunge

    sacral chakra healing yoga posesDOWNWARD-FACING DOG POSE (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This pose provides strength to your ankle and wrist joints. It increases energy flow to your physical, emotional, and mental states and promotes protection and security in the sacral chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Downward-Facing Dog Pose

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Yoga Poses

    Located in your upper abdomen holds the power of your confidence, self-esteem, and personal power, aka the ability to lead yourself and achieve the things you want. It’s the ‘core’ of you.

    It’s essential to strengthen your solar plexus chakra as not doing so can lead to low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, and acting passively through life. It also affects you physically with stomach and digestive issues or even eating disorders.

    The following yoga moves engage your core and open your solar plexus chakra, releasing any blockages.

    yoga flow for solar plexus chakraCAT POSE (Marjaryasana): This pose helps the body to warm up, starting from the spine going outward before more intense poses. It stretches out the back. It protects, encloses, and presses on the solar plexuses.
    Watch How To Do a Cat Pose

    solar plexus chakra yogaCOW POSE (Bitilasana): This pose is often practiced with the cat pose. It opens the chest and heart to stretch out the solar plexus chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Cow Pose

    solar plexus chakra healing yoga posesEXTENDED TRIANGLE POSE (Utthita Trikonasana): This standing pose empowers and strengthens the legs. It allows you to feel confident and powerful in the solar plexus area. It also energizes the body.
    Watch How To Do an Extended Triangle Pose

    manipura chakra yoga posesHALF LORD (Ardha Matsyendrasana): This seated twist pose increases hip flexibility and allows for spinal movement and mobility. It provides protection and comfort to the solar plexus chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Half Lord Pose

  4. Heart Chakra Healing Yoga Poses

    The heart chakra is responsible for your ability to give and receive love freely. An open heart chakra, beaming with love and compassion, allows you to have healthy relationships with others, but more importantly, with yourself. Most importantly, you go through life feeling deserving of love.

    When your heart chakra is not unbalanced, you may feel fears of rejection or need constant reassurance with where you stand with the loved ones in your life. As a result, love starts to feel conditional rather than unconditional.

    Opening your heart chakra is a common practice in many yoga sequences. The following moves will stretch your chest area and create a flow of energy around your heart chakra.

    heart chakra healing yoga posesMOUNTAIN POSE (Tadasana): This effortless pose provides energy to the chest and allows it to open up. It helps unblock and heal the heart chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Mountain Pose

    heart chakra yoga for beginnersCAMEL POSE (Ustrasana): This pose stretches the chest, abdominal area, and quadriceps. Additionally, it allows for the heart to open up to help the heart chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Camel Pose

    heart chakra sequenceFISH POSE (Matsyasana): This pose provides positive energy that helps open and release tension. It focuses on the area around the heart chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Fish Pose

    yoga poses to open heart chakraWHEEL POSE (Urdhva Dhanurasana): This pose bends the back and is slightly more challenging. It allows the front of the body to experience opening and stretching. It opens the heart and supplies more energy.
    Watch How To Do a Wheel Pose

  5. Throat Chakra Healing Yoga Poses

    Communication is critical in relationships, work-life, business, and literally every aspect of life. For this reason, the throat chakra is so important to balance.

    A balanced throat chakra means you’re able to speak honestly, authentically, able to speak your mind, verbalize your needs efficiently, and express yourself effortlessly.

    The throat chakra isn’t only responsible for the action of speaking. It also relates to the substance of what you are saying. Words, like thoughts, are extremely powerful. So being authentical and telling your truth and the art of how you relay your message verbally determines the health of your throat chakra.

    With each of the following moves, your throat muscles are engaged and experience a deep stretch. As you continue to take deep inhales in and out, you are clearing blockages in your throat chakra, allowing energy to flow freely.

    pranayama for throat chakraSTANDING FORWARD BEND (Uttansana): This pose helps to relax the head and neck muscles. It is relaxing and straightforward and hence releases tension in the throat chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Standing Forward Bend Pose

    yoga throat cleansingSHOULDER STAND (Salamba Sarvangasana): This pose allows the throat chakra to experience a sense of comfort, protection, and safety.
    Watch How To Do a Shoulder Stand

    throat chakra healing yoga posesKNEES, CHEST, CHIN POSE (Ashtangasana): This pose stretches out the chest, neck, and throat. This, in turn, helps open the throat chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Knees, Chest, Chin Pose

    throat chakra yin yoga posesPLOW POSE (Halasana):
    This pose provides your throat chakra with a sense of protection and security. It compresses the throat and allows it to block before completely opening up when you release from the pose.
    Watch How To Do a Plow Pose

  6. Third Eye Chakra Healing Yoga Poses

    Your third eye chakra is responsible for your intuition and EQ (emotional intelligence). The more balanced your third eye chakra is, the more you have the wisdom and ability to see beyond what the eyes can see.

    When your third eye chakra is open, you can read the room, sense the vibe, and read between the lines. You also use your full senses to see the non-physical things on an emotional and spiritual level.

    When your third eye is open, you carry a deep sense of awareness with you and are more open to the realities of spirituality. Conversely, symptoms of an unbalanced third eye chakra lead to only intellectual and rational thinking and narrow-mindedness. In addition, you will feel disconnected from spirituality or higher power.

    The following chakra healing yoga poses will calm your third eye chakra and direct energy to flow outwards through the head.

    how to balance third eye chakraCHILD’S POSE (Balasana): This pose allows for grounding and calm in the third-eye chakra. It will enable your mind to connect with your body.
    Watch How To Do a Child’s Pose

    third eye chakra posesBUTTERFLY POSE (Buddha Konasana Variation): It provides grounding energies for the third eye chakra. It would help if you placed your forehead on a yoga block for it.
    Watch How To Do a Butterfly Pose

    third eye chakra yoga themePLANK POSE (Kumbhakasana): This pose activates the third eye chakra. If held for long periods, it can be challenging. It increases energy to flow outward through the head.
    Watch How To Do a Plank Pose

    third eye chakra yin posesCOW FACE POSE (Gomukhasana): This is a deep-hip opener pose that activates the third eye chakra as it engages a lot of concentration and focus.
    Watch How To Do a Cow Face Pose

  7. Crown Chakra Healing Yoga Poses

    Your crown chakra is responsible for your connection to a higher power or source energy. A balanced crown chakra means you believe in the oneness and the interconnectedness of the entire planet.

    Developing all lower chakras as well as your crown chakra brings one to enlightenment. You sense the relationship between nature, the universe, and all living things. This is the ultimate goal.

    A few telling signs that your crown chakra is not balanced is if you lack belief in higher source energy, focus highly on individuality, and react from personal ego.

    The following yoga moves energize and activate your crown chakra and flow the energy upward through your head. These moves are more advanced so practice them carefully.

    crown chakra yin yoga posesTREE POSE (Vrksasana): This is a great balancing pose that helps center the mind and body. It helps to initiate and activate the crown chakra as energy flows upward to the top of the head.
    Watch How To Do a Tree Pose

    restorative yoga poses for crown chakraSUPPORTED HEADSTAND (Salamba Sirsasana): This pose sends energy to the earth through your crown chakra as the flow of blood rushes to your head. It’s grounding, energizing, and restores the flow of energy in your body.
    Watch How To Do a Supported Headstand

    crown chakra yoga themeEXTENDED SIDE-ANGLE POSE (Utthita Parsvakonasana): In this pose, the head activates the crown chakra as you lift your arm and reach diagonally outward.
    Watch How To Do an Extended Side-Angle Pose

    yoga poses for crown chakraCRESCENT LUNGE WITH ARMS UP (Anjaneyasana Variation): This altered high lunge pose creates a deep stretch while energizing and activating your crown chakra.
    Watch How To Do a Crescent Lunge with Arms Up

Conclusion: This post is all about chakra healing yoga poses to balance your seven chakras. To learn more about healing your chakras, we recommend this post here.


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