Friday, May 17, 2024
This post is all about creating your own chakra healing kit. Once you understand the chakra system, it's easy to see how each chakra contributes and influences your life. Therefore, creating a chakra healing kit is not only a very...
Do animals have auras? The short answer is yes. The aura of any pet is simpler than that of humans because they are less complex. Auras are the subtle biomagnetic energy that surrounds our entire body, consisting of seven layers....
The root chakra is where it all begins. Referred to as the 'Muladhara' in Sanskrit, your root chakra is responsible for your overall security and stability in life. The root chakra takes into account your basic survival needs and...
Understanding and knowing how to unblock your chakras may be the key to your mental and physical health. In this article, we will dive deep into the chakra system. You will get answers to questions such as: What is a...
The heart chakra referred to as "Anahata" in Sanskrit, is our center of love and compassion. The center chakra is the bridge between the lower 3 chakras the upper 3 chakras. Here sits our ability to openly love others...
The Sacral Plexus Chakra, emerging from the Sanskrit word 'Svadhisthana' is the driving force behind your creativity and sexuality. It dominates your pleasure senses in life and governs how open and connected you are with your emotions. To feel liberated,...
The solar plexus chakra also called "Manipura' in its original Sankrit name is responsible for your personal power and self-esteem. It's connected to the digestive center, where heat is generated igniting this chakra's flame. This flame provides the energy...
This post is all about chakra healing yoga poses to heal and balance your chakras. We've put together a list of effective chakra healing yoga poses for each of your seven chakras to engage, activate, and open them so energy...

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